The team was notified/activated by telephone and a respectable 7 members were able to respond. By 6:30 p.m. most of the team had arrived at the command post located at the base of the Brook Trail in Weld. After about a 40 minute hike in the rain, the team met up with the evacuation group. For the next 1.5 hours, the team assisted with the carry out. The group used the ‘caterpillar’ and 3x3 litter-moving techniques to methodically move the litter down the trail. An ATV was utilized for the final more graded section of the trail.
The patient was transferred from the ATV to a waiting NorthStar ambulance where she was stabilized and transported to FMH. According to Weld Fire Chief Wallace Tyler, 42 rescuers responded to the call from Weld FD, Wilton FD, Maine Warden Service, Franklin Search & Rescue and others. The rescue was considered a success as the patient was quickly and safely evacuated from the mountain without any injuries to the rescuers.
The bright light of the ATV announces the arrival of the patient at the trail head.

A string of headlamps can be seen leading to the check-in point at the Brook Trail command post.

FSAR president Steve Yates checks in at the command post.

All rescuers are logged in before being allowed to access the trail and are checked out when leaving it. A wet but happy Nikola checks out before leaving the scene.