
FSAR Monthly Training 12-12-12

FSAR Monthly Meeting/Training

Wednesday, December 12

6:30 p.m.  Kingfield Fire Station

All interested people are welcome to attend

Training Subject: Communications

Pat will conduct a radio training for the team. 

GEAR TO SHARE: Each meeting, members are asked to share some of their personal field experience with a different aspect of gear. Wednesday, members should bring tips for use or actual gear concerning communication tools in the back country. Such as (but not limited to): 2 way radios, cell phone, whistle, firearm, smoke, lights, flagging, SPOT communicator, PLB, SAT phone, reflective clothing, written notes, filing a 'flight plan' by telling others what your plan is before leaving, others? What are your tricks, tips or rules of thumb?

Rope work: knot review

Pete B. demonstrates how to construct a signal fire at a FSAR winter training a few years back.

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