
2016 MASAR Conference, Camp Jordan near Ellsworth, Maine

8 FSAR members attended the annual MASAR conference this weened in Ellsworth.  I am still digesting the info I learned in the NOAA workshop on lightning, what a great presentation. Joe and the Wilderness crew did a great job teaching rope rescue techniques, the food was great and it was good to spend some time with the team. 
Thanks to MASAR Education director Bryan C. for almost single-handedly putting on such a great conference! 8 FSAR members (Mathias is not in this photo) saw and learned a lot of great stuff!

Playing with the mast cam on the YCEMA mobile command post vehicle, I caught Joe and Melissa and Kevin and Jen doing one of the best parts of these conferences, 'catching up'!

One workshop included a lesson by a local trapper on how to safely remove a SAR dog from a metal trap 

The debrief of the Largay search, Lyon search in Baxter SP and the Philpott search in Acadia was very informative. I find that reflecting on how a search unfolds in retrospect is very helpful in learning new ways to improve our search techniques. 

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