
FSAR Monthly Meeting and Training Wed. Feb. 8, 2012

Franklin Search & Rescue
Monthly business meeting and training
Wednesday Feb. 8 2012
Kingfield Fire Station 6:30

Members will need to bring their ready-packs, outdoor clothing and headlamp for a fire building training. Instructor Coby Leighton will begin the training session indoors with a short classroom session before the team heads outside to do a practical fire building evolution.

In addition, Paul will update the team on changes to FSAR rope rescue requirements including a new record keeping protocol.

We will also discuss upcoming training opportunities including the MASAR spring training event and Baxter dates.

Gear to share: "Fire starting gear I carry in my rescue pack" be prepared to share what you carry and have successfully used.

As always, any interested people are welcome to join us for our trainings.

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